DALKO Resources, Inc. is excited to announce that it has expanded its North American operations in Laredo, Texas. Previously, DALKO had been utilizing Global Dispatch, an independent service provider, to service DALKO’s customers in Laredo. However, effective January 1, 2014, DALKO will no longer be using Global Dispatch as DALKO will be independently servicing its customers in Laredo. DALKO has acquired the former Global Dispatch facilities in Laredo, which DALKO itself will be utilizing, to service its customers transportation and warehouse needs. Jim Kosior, DALKO’s Director of North American operations along with new hires, Aristeo Canales, Director of Mexican Operations, Nydia Davila, Gustavo Cuevas and Javier Magana, will be working in the DALKO Laredo facility, ensuring that all of its customers’ needs are being met with DALKO quality service.
In addition to DALKO’s commitment to its customer’s warehouse and transportation needs, DALKO is also pleased to announce the formation of its new customs brokerage division, DRI Wolrdwide Customs Brokerage, Inc. With the creation of DALKO’s customs brokerage division, DALKO will be able to offer its customers the unique opportunity of having all of its logistics needs managed from port to port by one provider, DALKO Resources, Inc., assuring superior service. In addition, every customer will have the opportunity to know who their customs broker is and be able to personally communicate with him every day. DALKO now has two in-house US Customs Brokers, Matt Lauther and Joe Joseph who will ensure that every client’s customs needs are met professionally and expediently.